Saturday, April 30, 2011

say it with photos

I am so enraptured with the concept of using photography to tell a story. What a wonderful way to create a memory of any special event or time in your life. Elsie Cake one of my favorite bloggers and owner of Red Velvet did just this with her LOVE STORY.

How darling is this? Visit Elsie here and be prepared to spend hours navigating through the beauty of her life!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

cynthia vincent's flagship store

Amazing styling paired with lux clothing and accessories. It feels glamorous,yet bohemian and livable. Do I see a fox tail blanket? Perfect for the MOD FOX den!!

First spotted here...Ascot Friday, then here...SPPN

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

whatever you do, do it with style

It does not take much effort to put together a cute outfit. When a lady dresses for an occasion, it tells the company she keeps that they matter. They were worth going to the trouble of pulling out all the wardrobe stops, they mean the world to her.

 Nothing says celebration like perfectly executed  party garb. Case in point...the MOD FOX birthday ensemble.

Friday, April 22, 2011

happy easter

From the MOD FOX den to your den...have a super Easter weekend!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I love white interiors. I love color. I adore mixing the two.

All images via pinterest

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

bash please

Love the concept, love the name, love the look. The girls of Bash, Please have completely inspired me. I.Wanna.Throw.A.Party.
Let me help YOU throw yours.
Check out these photos for some inspiration.

And here is where the girls work. Makes me wanna remodel the MOD FOX den! Cherry Red

I am loving this color combo for spring and think every women should find a way to incorporate it into her wardrobe.

Monday, April 18, 2011

love for india

MOD FOX Style is working on a photo booth next month with an India theme. Here is some inspiration for getting us started...